1 Eylül 2010 Çarşamba

"2010 Korea-Mongolia International Conference - Fashion Vitality

Bölümümüz öğretim üyelerinden Yrd. Doç. Nesrin TÜRKMEN, 28- 30 Haziran 2010 tarihleri arasında Kore Fashion Costume Design Association ve Mongolian University of Science & Technology tarafından Ulanbaatar- Moğolistan’da düzenlenen “2010 Korea- Mongolia International Conference- Fashion Vitality” başlıklı uluslararası konferansa katılmıştır.

29 Haziran 2010 tarihinde gerçekleşen ve Bulgaristan, Çin, Kore, Moğolistan, ABD ve Özbekistan’dan katılımcıların olduğu,11 sözlü bildiri ve 41 poster bildirinin yer aldığı konferansta “Emotional Value of Products for Fashion Vitality” başlıklı sözlü bildiriyi sunan Türkmen, aynı konferansta oturum başkanı olarak da görev almıştır.

Asst.Prof. Nesrin Türkmen, member of the department has participated in "2010 International Conference on Korea-Mongolia-Fashion Vitality’’ organized by the Korean and Mongolian Fashion Costume Design at the University of Science & Technology Association Ulanbaatar-Mongolia.

“Sustainable design is a reaction to the global environmental crisis. It aims to produce products, buildings and services, which have a low impact on climate change and the depletion of the world's resources.
While product makers are responding by designing goods that have a reduced carbon footprint at their point of manufacture, leading thinkers in the field of sustainable design believe that a radical change in the way we consume products is one of the musts to diminish the effects of the growing toxic waste coming with the ındustrial garbage.
The aim of this paper is to develop arguments about the need to design products which are emotionally durable and initiate a shift away from a disposable culture in order to achieve a more sustainable path in design and consumption. It is also aimed to give contribution to this new design and production philosophy intending to move away from mass-production and towards tailor-made articles designed and manufactured with greater craftsmanship by scanning various companies and designers embracing this philosopy.”